How to set up a CSS switcher I'm working on a website that will switch to a new style on a set date. The site's built-in semantic HTML and CSS, so the change should just require a CSS reference change. I'm working with a designer who will need to be able to see how it's looking, as well as a client who will need to be able to review content updates in the current look as well as design progress on the new look. I'm planning to use a magic querystring value and/or a javascript link in the footer which writes out a cookie to select the new CSS page. We're working in ASP_NET 3.5. Any recommendations? I should mention that we're using IE Conditional Comments for IE8, 7, and 6 support. I may create a function that does a replacement: <link href="Style/<% GetCssRoot() %>.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!--[if lte IE 8]> <link type="text/css" href="Style/<% GetCssRoot() %>-i...
Wrapping lists into columns I'm using ColdFusion to populate a template that includes HTML unordered lists ( <ul> s). Most of these aren't that long, but a few have ridiculously long lengths and could really stand to be in 2-3 columns. Is there an HTML, ColdFusion or perhaps JavaScript (I'm accepting jQuery solutions) way to do this easily? It's not worth some over-complicated heavyweight solution to save some scrolling. Is this jquery plugin of any use to you? Check out the Columnizer jQuery plugin. 13 Answers So I dug up this article from A List Apart CSS Swag: Multi-Column Lists. I ended up using the first solution, it's not the best but the others require either using complex HTML that can't be generated dynamically, or creating a lot of custom classes, which could be done but would require loads of in-line styling and possibly a huge page. Other solutions are still welcome though. It's sad that two years later there is still no clean w...
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