How to specify javascript to run when ModalPopupExtender is shown

How to specify javascript to run when ModalPopupExtender is shown The ASP _ NET AJAX ModalPopupExtender has OnCancelScript and OnOkScript properties, but it doesn't seem to have an OnShowScript property. I'd like to specify a javascript function to run each time the popup is shown. In past situations, I set the TargetControlID to a dummy control and provide my own control that first does some JS code and then uses the JS methods to show the popup. But in this case, I am showing the popup from both client and server side code. Anyone know of a way to do this? BTW, I needed this because I have a textbox in the modal that I want to make a TinyMCE editor. But the TinyMCE init script doesn't work on invisible textboxes, so I had to find a way to run it at the time the modal was shown. They show you how to RAISE an event manually, not not how to attach to it: asp _ net _ ajaxlibrary _ act_modalpopup.ashx ...priceless 8 Answers hmmm... I'm pretty sure that there...

How do I post and then redirect to an external URL from ASP_Net?

How do I post and then redirect to an external URL from ASP_Net? ASP_NET server-side controls postback to their own page. This makes cases where you want to redirect a user to an external page, but need to post to that page for some reason (for authentication, for instance) a pain. An HttpWebRequest works great if you don't want to redirect, and JavaScript is fine in some cases, but can get tricky if you really do need the server-side code to get the data together for the post. So how do you both post to an external URL and redirect the user to the result from your ASP_NET codebehind code? 6 Answers Here's how I solved this problem today. I started from this article on C# Corner, but found the example - while technically sound - a little incomplete. Everything he said was right, but I needed to hit a few external sites to piece this together to work exactly as I wanted. It didn't help that the user was not technically submitting a form at all; they were clicking a ...

How to set up a CSS switcher

How to set up a CSS switcher I'm working on a website that will switch to a new style on a set date. The site's built-in semantic HTML and CSS, so the change should just require a CSS reference change. I'm working with a designer who will need to be able to see how it's looking, as well as a client who will need to be able to review content updates in the current look as well as design progress on the new look. I'm planning to use a magic querystring value and/or a javascript link in the footer which writes out a cookie to select the new CSS page. We're working in ASP_NET 3.5. Any recommendations? I should mention that we're using IE Conditional Comments for IE8, 7, and 6 support. I may create a function that does a replacement: <link href="Style/<% GetCssRoot() %>.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!--[if lte IE 8]> <link type="text/css" href="Style/<% GetCssRoot() %>-i...

Call ASP . NET function from JavaScript?

Call ASP . NET function from JavaScript? I'm writing a web page in ASP . NET. I have some JavaScript code, and I have a submit button with a click event. Is it possible to call a method I created in ASP with JavaScript's click event? You should be using some Ajax library like : Anthem 20 Answers Well, if you don't want to do it using Ajax or any other way and just want a normal ASP . NET postback to happen, here is how you do it (without using any other libraries): It is a little tricky though... :) i. In your code file (assuming you are using C# and .NET 2.0 or later) add the following Interface to your Page class to make it look like public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page, IPostBackEventHandler{} ii. This should add (using Tab-Tab) this function to your code file: public void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument) { } iii. In your onclick event in JavaScript, write the following code: var pageId = '<%= Page.ClientID %>'; __doPostB...

How do I delimit a databound Javascript string parameter in ASP_NET

Triple Quotes? How do I delimit a databound Javascript string parameter in ASP . NET? How do I delimit a Javascript data-bound string parameter in an anchor OnClick event? I have an anchor tag in an ASP . NET Repeater control. The OnClick event of the anchor contains a call to a Javascript function. The Javascript function takes a string for its input parameter. The string parameter is populated with a data-bound value from the Repeater. I need the "double quotes" for the Container.DataItem . I need the 'single quotes' for the OnClick . And I still need one more delimiter (triple quotes?) for the input string parameter of the Javascript function call. Since I can't use 'single quotes' again, how do I ensure the Javascript function knows the input parameter is a string and not an integer? Without the extra quotes around the input string parameter, the Javascript function thinks I'm passing in an integer. The anchor: <a id="aSho...

ASP_Net Custom Client-Side Validation

ASP . NET Custom Client-Side Validation I have a custom validation function in JavaScript in a user control on a .Net 2.0 web site which checks to see that the fee paid is not in excess of the fee amount due. I've placed the validator code in the ascx file, and I have also tried using Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock() and in both cases the validation fires, but cannot find the JavaScript function. The output in Firefox's error console is "feeAmountCheck is not defined" . Here is the function (this was taken directly from firefox->view source) <script type="text/javascript"> function feeAmountCheck(source, arguments) { var amountDue = document.getElementById('ctl00_footerContentHolder_Fees1_FeeDue'); var amountPaid = document.getElementById('ctl00_footerContentHolder_Fees1_FeePaid'); if (amountDue.value > 0 && amountDue >= amountPaid) { arguments.Is...